Give your company greater flexibility while enhancing earnings. The Basic Business Money Market account features tiered interest rates, so the rates rise as your balance grows. The ability to write checks directly from this account simplifies the management of your available resources. Access to funds with rates higher than regular savings — that’s what we call a win-win.
Key Features
Competitive, Tiered Interest
Enhanced Access to Funds
Free Mobile Banking
- Competitive tiered interest on your entire balance
- The higher your balance, the higher your rate
- Avoid the $35 monthly service charge by maintaining a $10,000 minimum daily balance
- 6 free withdrawals per month; $10 fee for withdrawals thereafter
- 20 free deposits per statement; 10¢ each deposit thereafter
- Digital banking services include:
- Free online banking
- Free mobile banking
- Free eStatements
- FDIC insured
- No minimum deposit to open