Time is a valuable resource. Put time back into your day by keeping your money close with free online banking and bill pay. You can securely view accounts, transfer funds, schedule recurring bill payments, and more. So no trekking out to a branch during business hours — this is banking on your schedule.
Online Banking
- Free, secure, and easy-to-use service for Kleberg Bank customers
- Manage a number of banking activities anytime, anywhere with internet access:
- Access eStatements
- Fast, free, and easy alternative to paper statements
- Reduce chances of fraud and identity theft
- Arrive faster than paper statements
- Simplify recordkeeping
- Easily access past statements
- Ability to download for permanent storage or print if needed
- Receive email notice when new eStatement is ready
- View account balances and history
- Transfer funds between accounts (one-time and recurring transfers)
- View checks written
- Make loan payments
- Access eStatements
- And more
Bill Pay
- Pay one-time or recurring bills with ease:
- Schedule payments in advance
- Set up payment reminders
- Ensure payments are received on time
- Have all payee information in one convenient place
- Retain funds until paper drafts are presented for payment
- Avoid paper clutter
- More secure than paper billing
- Make more time for yourself; fewer bank trips necessary
- Print or download to popular financial management software
Peer-to-Peer Payments
- Easily send money to anyone across the country
- Set up payments anytime, anywhere; service accessible via desktop, laptop, or mobile device
- Make payments with three different methods
- Request recipient enter their account information via email
- This payment option requires the recipient’s email address and a keyword of your choosing. Your recipient will login to a secure site using that keyword and provide deposit account information.
- Enter the recipient's account information yourself
- This option requires you to provide the recipient’s bank routing number and deposit account information.
- Send payment in the form of a check via mail
- This option requires you to provide the recipient’s mailing address. We'll send them a check in the mail in the amount of the desired payment.
- Request recipient enter their account information via email
- Must be enrolled in online banking & bill pay
Access eStatements
- Fast, free, and easy alternative to paper statements
- Reduce chances of fraud and identity theft
- Arrive faster than paper statements
- Simplify recordkeeping
- Easily access past statements
- Ability to download for permanent storage or print if needed
- Receive email notice when new eStatement is ready
Learn More
Have any questions about our online banking and bill pay features? Take a look at our FAQ.
1Wireless carrier data rates may apply.