“I Care Solutions” from Kleberg Bank
The culture of Kleberg Bank includes a lending philosophy that is based on core values and a commitment to building long-term relationships. Some of those relationships reach back to serving families for at least five generations, which confirms our pledge to build value and financial success. We dig in, endeavoring to help people see and understand the risks related to borrowing, which can be both good and bad.
We counsel on a personal level; we participate with GreenPath Financial Wellness and refer people to other professionals for help when they have special needs. We work with the Small Business Development Center, the Small Business Association, and other non-profit entities that support families and businesses with financial planning, credit assistance, and business planning.
When times get tough, we're more than a fair-weather friend. We work with our customers to pull through the tough spots when plans are disrupted by the unforeseen. We've been through droughts, wars, boom times, and recessions with our customers. We've always been there with caring solutions that build long-term relationships and financial success.